MBA Math Bootcamp

This is the no-nonsense MBA Math course designed to get you up-to-speed quickly so you can crush your MBA program!

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You've done everything you can to succeed in your MBA program...

  • You've studied ridiculously hard to get a top GMAT score.
  • You've spent hours and hours fine tuning your admissions essays.
  • You've rehearsed tirelessly so you'll ace your interviews.

And it finally paid off when you received your acceptance letter! Job well done!

But there's only one problem. MBA math is Greek to you.

Time value of money, finance statements, indifference curves, and the central limit theorem are absolutely foreign to you.

Many of the foundational concepts needed in your first year of B-school are expected to be learned BEFORE you arrive on day one.

Most programs spend between one lecture and one week covering these core concepts.

That's fine if you spent your undergraduate degree or early professional career in a quantitatively rigorous program.

But what about the rest of us?

How do we ensure we hit the ground running from day one of our MBA program?

My story (a.k.a. my total freakout)

I earned a Bachelor's degree in the Liberal Arts. The program was fairly well rounded with one noticeable exception: virtually zero math.

Because my career interests at the time ranged from being an adventure travel guide to a history teacher a lack of quantitative rigor didn't seem like a fatal flaw to my resume.

Well, times and interests change. After several years doing great work for non-profits, I realized that if I wanted to better serve the companies I work for, I needed to go to grad school.

Fast forward through GMAT prep courses and interviews; keep going past class registration and textbook purchases. Ok, first day of class, you can stop here.

What have I gotten myself into?

Where were all the guest lectures from visionary CEOs?

Where were all the legendary networking events where I'd meet my future business partner?

Well, they were all there. But where was I?

I was at home trying to decipher..... P ((1-(1+r)^-n)/r)

Frankly, I was at home trying to understand the difference between Revenue, Income, and Cash Flow.

....what is a price floor and what are efficient frontiers?

....seriously, what is a normal distribution and why does my Stats professor think it's the underlying meaning of the universe?

I was so dismayed and discouraged for the first 10 weeks of the first semester. I was missing out on so many important opportunities because I was trying to learn the basics.

You see, 80% of the value of B-school is getting to hear from guest lecturers, networking events, and working with your group through really challenging case problems. But you have to learn the fundamentals first so you can apply them in those scenarios.

I don't want you to suffer the same fate I did.

That's where MBA Math Bootcamp comes in...

This is the course I wish I had 4-6 weeks before starting my program. I didn't want to try to cram a masters degree worth of material before I began my masters. That would be stupid.

But what I wanted, what I needed, a super condensed, no-nonsense intro to the most fundamental disciplines in business math. That's why course is NOT meant to replace any one class from B-school. It IS meant to introduce you to the business math concepts that give most non-quant students a hard (and anxiety inducing) time!

Finance Module

  • Understand the fundamentals of the Time Value of Money
  • How to calculate the Present Values of single and multiple cash flows
  • How to apply these concepts to valuing Stocks and Bonds
  • How to determine the value of Growing Annuities and Perpetuities and,
  • How to calculate the Net Present Value to ensure your business and investments will be profitable.

Economics Module

  • What are the fundamental tenants of the Capitalist Economic Model
  • How to internalize the fundamental relationships between Supply and Demand
  • How to apply those fundamentals so you can evaluate real-world policy issues like the Minimum Wage and Rent Controls.

Statistics Module

  • How to internalize the fundamentals of Populations and Samples and how statistics connects them together.
  • How to extract information from data by calculating different Measures of Central Tendency like Mean, Median and Mode.
  • Explore how the calculations of Variance and Standard Deviation provide insight into the variability of a data set.
  • Examine why the Normal Distribution might be the underlying secret to the entire universe :-)
  • What are Confidence Intervals, why they are important, and how to calculate them.
  • Understanding Statistical Significance and why it's used in every tech company on the planet

Accounting Module

  • How to not be scared of reading the "language of business" written in Three Primary Financial Statements
  • What is the difference between Cash and Accrual Accounting.
  • What the Income Statement is, it's sections, and what it tells us about a business's performance over time.
  • What the Balance Sheet is, the balance equation, and why it's considered a to be a statement of financial position.
  • How to utilize Statement of Cash Flows to complete the Income statement to have a full picture into the company's financial performance.

Join the 662 students who have learned how to master MBA Math fundamentals in this comprehensive course.

Get started now!

"This is the course I wish I had prior to starting my MBA program. I cut through the jargon and buzzwords to give you exactly what you need and nothing more."

- Gary Schroeder, Founder, MBA Math Bootcamp

Student Feedback

Here are just a few testimonials from MBA Math Bootcamp students.

"This course is very well presented. The pace of the instructor is well measured and his narrative is easy to follow and engaging. He makes difficult and complex finance concepts sound interesting and easy to understand. I alway shad a difficulty with time value of money but this course helped me understand the concept clearly along with great investment advice. -- Steve Apell

"Gary does a great job laying a good foundation for students who are about to start an MBA program, especially if they don't have a business background." -- Stephen Soroosh, President and CEO at Driven Analytics, Inc

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course designed for?

This course is specifically designed for any admitted MBA student that wants a business math refresher before they start their MBA program.

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have to access the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Gary  Schroeder, MBA
Gary Schroeder, MBA

I love helping simplify needlessly complicated subjects.

I've used the concepts, tips, and techniques I teach in this course to get a 4.0 in my MBA program and increase my salary 280% in the five years since graduating.